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Nanoscale Energy & Surface Engineering Group
Former president of India
Dr. Kalam on Nanotechnology
Former president of Mauritius Dr. Gurib-Fakim
Our team with Ministry of power Ghana -Dr. Wisdom
Discussion with Dr. Wisdom Ahiataku Togobo, Minsitry of power, Ghana on energy solutions and accessibility
Mr. Nigel Casey High Commissioner to South Africa
Discussion with DRDO Director Dr. Satheesh Reddy to discuss on various strands for Vibhav summit
Member of Conceptualisation team meeting for global summit of overseas and resident scientists and academicians
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Meeting with Indian High Commissioner to UK with Indian young entrepreneurs discussing ways to enhance the ties and collaboration
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Our research team (UK and India) funded by Royal Academy of Engineering/ Newton fund) discussing how research can benefit society
Speaker and jury member at Indian Science Festival
Vice president of Indian chamber of youth entrepreneurs
Addressing the need for women in Science, engineering and policy at a rural town in India
Department of science and technology sponsored Inspire science camp for secondary schools and first year grads
Brainstorms and discussion with many of the school and first year undergrads on social enterprise
Explaining cutting edge technology and societal needs to primary school students in villages of India
Arrrh!! yaa !! fun time with these kids, demo on Newtons law and energy transfer, love the inquisitiveness.
Outreach program on traffic awareness and importance of smart use of technology and energy savings with school students
Interdisciplinary energy and environment conference at OU, Participants from technology, policy and NGOs from all over the world
Royal Academy of Engineering and Newton Fund sponsored Industry Academia workshop on water
Visit to petronas and discussion on new materials for F1 applications, as they were interested in our technology
RAENG and Newton fund partnership program resulted in working with small scale entrepreneur Mr Chandra of Watsan in the area of low cost water filter systems.
UK India research excellence award, given by UK prime minister delegation to India, Mr Jo Johnson and his team.
Indian government funded lecture series for Indian students
British Indian award and News 10 live interview on intractable challenges in energy for Ghana
Avishek Dey presenting his research work at The house of commons (2015) (Pictured Ian Stewart MP and Lois Damptey presenting her work in The house of commons (MPs Ian Stewart and Bell Ribeiro) (2020) on both the occasions PhD students selected for STEM FOR BRITAIN competition,
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